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Título : Cumanda
Autor : Mera, Juan León
Fecha de publicación : 1932
Editorial : Quito: s. e.
Citación : Mera, Juan León (1932). Cumanda. s. e. Quito. 253 p.
Resumen : AMONG THE numerous texts offered to students in Spanish courses there are included but fcw examples of thc rich and varied literature of Spanish America. This deficiency is largely due to the erroneous idea that, sincc that part of the world is young politically, it must ncccssarily be so culturally. .But such is not thc case. From the Colonial Period to the prcsent time, the lands south of the Río Grande have produccd authors of first rank whose writings, becausc of their subject matter and style, have been included among those from Spain and thus lost sight of as Spanish-American.
URI : http://repositorio.casadelacultura.gob.ec/handle/34000/1156
Aparece en las colecciones: Fondo Ecuatoriano Republicano

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