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Título : History of the boundary dispute betwen Ecuador and Perú
Autor : Pastoriza Flores, A. M.
Palabras clave : SPANISH COLONY
Fecha de publicación : 1921
Editorial : New York: s. e.
Citación : Pastoriza Flores, A. M. (1921). History of the boundary dispute betwen Ecuador and Perú. s. e. New York. 178 p.
Resumen : The purpose of this treatise is to describe and explain to English – speaking readers the essentials of wath is possibly the most complicated boundary question in Hispanic – America today. In composing the work the basic idea has been, no insert a series of translations a documents accompanied by a slender thread of exposition, wicho would have meant mainly a compilation, but to indicate, in a form that while brief will be clear of comprehension...
URI : http://repositorio.casadelacultura.gob.ec/handle/34000/378
Aparece en las colecciones: Fondo Ecuatoriano Republicano

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